What is Nivola?

Nivola is a completely open source cloud computing platform that simplifies the use of services by public administration and enterprises. Nivola is implemented by CSI Piemonte and provides computing power, storage, network and database and much more. The aim is to offer each customer complete autonomy in creating their own information system and migrating applications, in complete security. The services are easily scalable, with no licence fees or hardware management costs. Each customer can therefore independently create their own information system, paying for it solely on the basis of usage, through systems that measure actual consumption.

100% Open Source

Nivola is an open source platform owned by the public administration, which controls its evolution and can plan future developments. This freedom from market technologies guarantees the stability needed to build a state-of-the-art IT system without incurring additional investment due to technological lock-ins. At the heart of Nivola’s development is OpenStack, a set of open source software tools for creating and managing cloud computing services, according to the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model. Born from a NASA and Rackspace project, OpenStack is now the result of the collaboration of thousands of developers. More than 60,000 members and over 600 companies from more than 180 countries participate in the community. Nivola extends the basic functionalities of OpenStack with specific services and processes for PA and enterprises and the code is released to the open source community under the GPL v3 licence, involving the research world and the administrations themselves interested in supporting its development.

A world of simple and customisable services

Nivola simplifies the adoption, access and use of new application services in the cloud, regardless of the sourcing model chosen by the administration, be it internal development, acquisition from the market or reuse by another administration. The customer has at his disposal a wide catalogue of services easily adaptable to his needs, exposed through Application Program Interfaces (API), a uniform set of functionalities accessible via software.