Manage Virtual Machine from CLI

It is the main service that you must have in your Account to use all the other following services. From CLI is possible to manage the Virtual Machines (VM). Generally the life cycle of the VM includes the following steps.

The steps creation and capabiity assign are mandatory for service use.

Life Cycle of Virtual Machine


How to Create Virtual Machine


Using add command you are going to create a virtual machine and all it needs for applications that you will runs above. It is necessary to have an Account and the role with privileges who permit to use add command. The way to use the command add is the following:

$ beehive bu cpaas vms add name=.. account=.. type=.. subnet=.. image=.. security-group=.. key-name=.. [pwd=..] [main-disk=..] [disks=..] [hypervisor=..] [meta=..] [options ...]

  Add Virtual Machine.

    name                  vm name
    account               account id or composed name (org.div.account)
    type                  vm type
    subnet                subnet id or name
    image                 image id or name
    security-group        security group id or name
    key-name              ssh key name
    pwd                   root password [optional]
    main-disk             optional main disk size configuration. Use <size>:<tag> to set custom disk size and storage tag.
                          Ex. 5:oracle [optional]
    disks                 list of additional disk sizes comma separated. Use :<tag> to set custom storage tag.
                          Ex. 5,10 or 5:oracle,10 [optional]
    hypervisor            set hypervisor. Can be: openstack or vsphere [default=openstack]
    meta                  custom metadata [optional]

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --debug               toggle debug output
    --quiet               suppress all output
    -o {json}             output handler
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
    --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
    -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
    -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
    -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
    --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
    --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
    --cmds                list available commands
    --notruncate          disable long string truncation
    --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
    --curl                log curl request
    --fields FIELDS       response fields

add example:

The example we are going to use for explain how to create a Virtual Machine has like as goal the VM named vm-demo inside account Datacenter.account-demo. All variables used in this example are mandatories. There are three steps that you could use to create a usable VM:

  • To get account id, type, subnet and image

  • To use add comand for creating the VM

  • To use the list command to verify that everything is OK

First Step

You are going to remember the Account id using list command

$ beehive bu accounts list

   Account list obtained

   id                                    name          division    contact    managed      core services    base services  status    date
   ------------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ---------------  --------  --------------------
   930aa960-374a-427b-9a33-a7869251e14e  account-demo  Datacenter  -          True                     0                0  ACTIVE    2019-02-20T08:49:15Z

List command help you to get from Nivola the Types that you can use within account-demo

$  beehive bu cpaas vms types list accounts=account-demo

   VM Types list obtained

   id                                    instance_type    desc                        status    active    creation              is_default
   ------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------------  --------  --------  --------------------  ------------
   9bb61461-f6e6-4540-99ea-2de3c0eac140  vm.l8.4xlarge    vcpus:8 ram:56GB disk:80GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:11:01Z  False
   d509186d-0b9a-45ad-8da4-64aa4a0b5282  vm.l8.3xlarge    vcpus:8 ram:48GB disk:80GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:11:01Z  False
   76a9b1da-b118-40ad-b0f8-31450b696f33  vm.l8.2xlarge    vcpus:8 ram:40GB disk:80GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:11:00Z  False
   e040ac12-86f5-41b1-a329-f3c3213b183x  vm.l8.xlarge     vcpus:8 ram:32GB disk:80GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:59Z  False
   7ddd3c4c-0b32-401f-bf3b-e90519ef6a3z  vm.l8.large      vcpus:8 ram:24GB disk:80GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:58Z  False
   8b8c93a2-376d-4a5b-94d0-48cc57003339  vm.m8.3xlarge    vcpus:8 ram:48GB disk:40GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:57Z  False
   860e7430-5244-4179-9e09-d8d8e97fe57g  vm.m8.2xlarge    vcpus:8 ram:40GB disk:40GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:57Z  False
   6affa6af-5c6d-4725-8311-354837a6ed8h  vm.m8.xlarge     vcpus:8 ram:32GB disk:40GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:56Z  False
   d15850cb-6ae7-4569-bdbb-27e8558c56f1  vm.m8.large      vcpus:8 ram:24GB disk:40GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:55Z  False
   526ff3e0-ceb7-4f3c-9c35-ba2274b0f49a  vm.m4.6xlarge    vcpus:4 ram:48GB disk:40GB  ACTIVE    True      2019-02-19T11:10:54Z  False

List command help you to get from Nivola the Subnets that you can use within account-demo

$  beehive bu cpaas subnets list accounts=account-demo

   Subnets list obtained

   id                                    name                     state      account    availabilityZone    vpc          cidr
   ------------------------------------  -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ------------------  -----------  ---------------
   015514b4-9533-4aa3-a449-91a02c45940x  SubnetInternet-torino01  available  gaetest    SiteTorino01        VpcInternet
   6f22eb27-3aea-40e2-be6b-af5ad1c4290x  SubnetWEB-vercelli01     available  gaetest    SiteVercelli01      VpcWEB
   85d9dc49-285e-426a-9bcb-ef56e90f498j  SubnetWEB-torino02       available  gaetest    SiteTorino02        VpcWEB
   8b64ee86-eda4-40d9-a206-e64c3aeba6a9  SubnetWEB-torino01       available  gaetest    SiteTorino01        VpcWEB
   09627b89-c342-4072-8f9f-2cf421e5393c  SubnetBE-vercelli01      available  gaetest    SiteVercelli01      VpcBE
   76cf51db-70d5-4084-a65e-61c4ab76aa7b  SubnetBE-torino02        available  gaetest    SiteTorino02        VpcBE
   2f8d7886-e08a-4512-a825-b7ac6bcfc3c6  SubnetBE-torino01        available  gaetest    SiteTorino01        VpcBE
   b07ef60a-4f64-4640-8d23-5a4e7b9d1920  SubnetInternet-torino01  available  clitest    SiteTorino01        VpcInternet
   e3cc531c-125f-40a2-8eb8-be3f81505369  SubnetWEB-vercelli01     available  clitest    SiteVercelli01      VpcWEB

List command help you to get from Nivola the Images that you can use within account-demo

$  beehive bu cpaas images list accounts=account-demo

   Images list obtained

   id                                    name          state      type     account         platform
   ------------------------------------  ------------  ---------  -------  ---------       -------------
   dd07271b-410e-4162-82ec-572a9904b4b8  Centos7-nmsf  available  machine  test            centos 7.6
   97ca993d-f2ff-46fb-81b6-0331e21b5575  Ubuntu16      available  machine  gaetest         ubuntu 16
   36ba1d80-58f4-4f20-97c2-384cc0d73085  OracleLinux7  available  machine  gaetest         OracleLinux 7
   ab343efb-a2fe-4e94-b293-5b037dbaeb0e  Centos6       available  machine  gaetest         centos 6.9
   cfe3ffd2-0b1e-4279-b17d-6178a3adba31  Centos7       available  machine  gaetest         centos 7.    5
   aaa8e2c7-7c73-47c3-9766-2dc2f3844949  Ubuntu16      available  machine  account-demo    ubuntu 16
   a5164e53-4e28-4f99-9c10-5c893fd9dadf  OracleLinux7  available  machine  account-demo    OracleLinux 7
   66c4c569-8a22-4de1-ab9e-573e66706733  Centos6       available  machine  account-demo    centos 6.9
   01fb2a8f-2d14-47c2-aa70-f780b1cf8a8f  Centos7       available  machine  account-demo    centos 7.5
   38a085d0-491e-43ed-bc4b-04d57f81d4cf  Ubuntu16      available  machine  test            ubuntu 16

At last you have to know the ssh key using the command ssh key list

$  beehive ssh keys list

   ssh keys list obtained

   id                                    name        desc    date                  pub_key
   ------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   f057bff8-4d62-40fe-9b77-73ccb1b8e6fx  sshkey-demo         2018-09-05T11:16:23Z  c3NoLXJzYSBBQUFBQjNOemFDMXljMkVBQUFBREFRQUJBQUFCQVFDbXQyTmU3TXlFYUJLQ1VKOXBJR3dM...

Step two

You can create a VM using the add command obtaining the id from Nivola

$ beehive business cpaas vms add name=vm-demo account=Datacenter.account-demo type=vm.l8.large subnet=SubnetBE-torino02 image=Centos7 security-group=SecurityGroupBE key-name=sshkey-gae

  The VM vm-demo is created and Nivola will show you his id using the message follow

  Add virtual machine: b0633d20-399e-4168-9f13-60fba49a40fe

To see the VM is running use the list command with the following syntax

$ beehive business cpaas vms list account=account-demo

  id                                    name              type         state    launchTime            account    availabilityZone    privateIp      privateDnsName                               image    subnet
  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------  -------  --------------------  ---------  ------------------  -------------  -------------------------------------------  -------  -------------------
  b0633d20-399e-4168-9f13-60fba49a40fe  vm-demo           vm.l8.large  running  2019-02-27T09:44:34Z  account-demo  SiteTorino02             Centos7  SubnetBE-torino02

How to List Virtual Machine

The command below is used to acces on Virtual machine instantiated into your account.


$  beehive ssh nodes connect <node> [nodeuser=..] [options ...]

  <node> is node name or uuid or ipadress
  <nodeuser> is node user default is is root

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --debug               toggle debug output
    --quiet               suppress all output
    -o {json}             output handler
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
    --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
    -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
    -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
    -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
    --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
    --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
    --cmds                list available commands
    --notruncate          disable long string truncation
    --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
    --curl                log curl request
    --fields FIELDS       response fields
    --afields AFIELDS     response additional fields
    -y, --assumeyes       Assume that the answer to any question which would be
                          asked is yes.
    -rt, --runtime        Enable command duration log.

How to List Virtual Machine

The command below is used to ontain the list Virtual machine instantiated into your account.


$ beehive business cpaas vms list account=account-demo

  id                                    name              type         state    launchTime            account    availabilityZone    privateIp      privateDnsName                               image    subnet
  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------  -------  --------------------  ---------  ------------------  -------------  -------------------------------------------  -------  -------------------
  b0633d20-399e-4168-9f13-60fba49a40fe  vm-demo           vm.l8.large  running  2019-02-27T09:44:34Z  account-demo  SiteTorino02             Centos7  SubnetBE-torino02

How to Update Virtual Machine

The commands below are used to update Virtual machine.


The command is used to modify Virtual Machine attributes.

$ beehive bu cpaas vms update <vm> [field=..] [options ...]

  Update VM


    vm                   vm id
    type                 vm type

   optional arguments:   are the same described into add command

In this example we are going to change the type attribute.

$ beehive bu cpaas vms update b0633d20-399e-4168-9f13-60fba49a40fe type=vm.m8.xlarge


This is the Nivola response when the type was changed

$ msg
  Modify virtual machine b0633d20-399e-4168-9f13-60fba49a40fe

How to Start Virtual Machine

If it is necessary to start the VM, you have to use next command from CLi:

$ beehive bu cpaas vms start <vm>

  <vm> is a vm's id

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --debug               toggle debug output
    --quiet               suppress all output
    -o {json}             output handler
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
    --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
    -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
    -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
    -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
    --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
    --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
    --cmds                list available commands
    --notruncate          disable long string truncation
    --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
    --curl                log curl request
    --fields FIELDS       response fields
    --afields AFIELDS     response additional fields
    -y, --assumeyes       Assume that the answer to any question which would be
                          asked is yes.
    -rt, --runtime        Enable command duration log.

How to Stop Virtual Machine

If you need to stop the VM, you have to use next command:

$ beehive bu cpaas vms stop <vm>

  <vm> is a vm's id

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --debug               toggle debug output
    --quiet               suppress all output
    -o {json}             output handler
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
    --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
    -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
    -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
    -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
    --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
    --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
    --cmds                list available commands
    --notruncate          disable long string truncation
    --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
    --curl                log curl request
    --fields FIELDS       response fields
    --afields AFIELDS     response additional fields
    -y, --assumeyes       Assume that the answer to any question which would be
                          asked is yes.
    -rt, --runtime        Enable command duration log.

How to Delete Virtual Machine

The commands below are used to erase Virtual machine from Nivola.


The command is used to erase Virtual Machine from the cloud-system

$ beehive bu cpaas vms delete <vm> [options ...]

  Delete a Virtual Machine


    vm                   is the vm id

  optional arguments:     are the same described into add command

Next example show you how to use delete command

$ beehive bu cpaas vms delete 59e7e61c-665d-48a5-8ca3-a769e45f8e1b

  Delete VM

Below the nivola’s response after VM was deleted

$ msg
  Delete virtual machine 59e7e61c-665d-48a5-8ca3-a769e45f8e1b