Manage Security Group from CLI

Security group acts as a firewall for Nivola instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level. The life cycle of the security group includes the following steps.

  • Obtain information on template of the Security Group and VPC

  • Create Security Group

  • Manage rules of Security Group

  • Delete Security Group

For manage security groups we assume that you are familiar with VPC. VPC is an acronym for Virtual Private Cloud. VPC is a virtual network dedicated to the Nivola account. It is logically isolated from the other Nivola networks. It is possible to use the instance within your Vpc. It is possible to configure the Vpc by modifying the range of IP addresses, creating subnets, configuring route tables, network gateways and security settings. The VPC consists of one or more security group. For create a security group you need using a template.

Life Cycle of Security Group


Use case of Security Group

Obtain information about Security Group and VPC

list security groups:

The command list security group. The command list security group. The command is used to gather information on security groups that can be used by user.

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups list [field=..] [options ...]

  List all security groups

     accounts              list of account name or uuid comma separated [optional]
     ids                   list of security group ids comma separated [optional]
     vpc-ids               list of vpc ids comma separated [optional]
     tags                  list of tags comma separated [optional]
     page                  list page [default=0]
     size                  list page size [default=10]

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --debug               toggle debug output
    --quiet               suppress all output
    -o {json}             output handler
    -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
    --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
    -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
    -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
    -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
    --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
    --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
    --cmds                list available commands
    --notruncate          disable long string truncation
    --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
    --curl                log curl request
    --fields FIELDS       response fields

list example:

$ beehive business cpaas securitygroups list

   Security Group list obtained

   id                                    name                   state      account    vpc            egress_rules    ingress_rules
   ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ---------------
   bcdf974a-53bb-42dc-8c29-ea7c97843ca4  SecurityGroupBE        available  acc-demo   VpcBE                     2                4
   200775e3-9e08-4705-9b42-f417b7784788  SecurityGroupInternet  available  acc-demo1  VpcInternet               3                5
   e12492a0-7e97-4cf8-aa6d-9adbc8dea5cb  SecurityGroupWEB       available  acc-demo   VpcWEB                    3                5
   bf8cec43-9973-4cd1-a1e9-c2d31c9f6386  SecurityGroupInternet  available  acc-test   VpcInternet               3                5
   74c12829-c1a6-4ba7-b103-2b7f187eefde  SecurityGroupWEB       available  acc-test1  VpcWEB                    3                6
   86a1554e-2e7c-401f-83af-0e2623c24c61  SecurityGroupBE        available  acc-test2  VpcBE                     8                4

list security groups template:

The commands below show as obtain a list of template usable for creating of the security group.

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups templates [template-id [options ...]

  List security group templates

     template-id           template id [optional]

  optional arguments:     are the same described into first command explained in this chapter

list security groups template example:

$ beehive business cpaas securitygroups templates

   Security Group template list obtained

   Page: 0
   Count: 3
   Total: 3
   Order: id DESC

   id                                    instance_type          desc                            status    active    creation              is_default
   ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------------------  ------------
   d6c3c32b-8124-49c9-9e5d-598fec7f98b1  SecurityGroupSimple    SecurityGroup with basic rules  ACTIVE    True      2019-01-03T14:03:28Z  False
   c59e58f2-14e0-493f-9851-35a840b708e7  SecurityGroupFrontEnd  SecurityGroupFrontEnd           ACTIVE    True      2018-06-15T20:03:15Z  False
   e0fe7e7f-6fda-4931-bc9f-61d36503cex7  SecurityGroupBackEnd   SecurityGroupBackEnd            ACTIVE    True      2018-06-15T20:03:14Z  True

It is necessary to know the VPC father

list VPC:

The commands below show as obtain a list of Virtual private Cloud usable for creating of the security group.

$ beehive bu cpaas vpcs list [field=..] [options ...]

  List all vpcs

  accounts              list of account name or uuid comma separated [optional]
  ids                   list of vpc ids comma separated [optional]
  tags                  list of tags comma separated [optional]
  page                  list page [default=0]
  size                  list page size [default=10]

  optional arguments:     are the same described into first command explained in this chapter

list vpcs example:

In the next example will be possible to see how to use the list vpcs command utilizable for the account-demo.

$ beehive business cpaas vpcs list account=account-demo

  The list of all vpcs utilizable from account-demo

  Page: 0
  Count: 9
  Total: 9
  Order: id asc

  id                                    name         state      account        cidr
  ------------------------------------  -----------  ---------  ---------      -------------------------------------------------
  d810b85c-2214-4ca6-9c7f-2d33dac1dafe  VpcInternet  available  account-demo
  1546f7a6-a789-4d74-8c65-2b30aaca9f2f  VpcWEB       available  account-demo,,
  1b33e19a-fa1a-475e-be9c-3ec2fd1f99ad  VpcBE        available  account-demo,,
  f71e9661-cde6-46b1-8c7d-8fefd13039c4  VpcInternet  available  clitest
  a41e2be6-cc86-498b-b659-59ad56024eac  VpcWEB       available  clitest,,
  69294068-e38b-4fc1-8e4b-b14bfbefcda9  VpcBE        available  clitest,,
  d0801fdd-5686-4ff4-ad9d-bbf43236aad8  VpcInternet  available  test ,
  60766403-e50d-42d2-93bf-34e23183e389  VpcWEB       available  test ,,
  0fd1a70c-ef3a-4ba7-961c-15baee6962b5  VpcBE        available  test ,,

Create Security Group

To create the security group it will use add command like showed follow

Add security group:

$  beehive bu cpaas securitygroups add <name> <vpc> [template=..] [options ...]

   Create a security group

   name                  security group name
   vpc                   parent vpc
   template-id           template id [optional]

  optional arguments:     are the same described into first command explained in this chapter

Add security group example:

In this example sec-group-demo is created using add command with a vpcBE and template The variables that Nivola need are indicated to Nivola using their id. When the creation process will end Nivola indicate the new security group into the list of them. Available will be the status of the new security group visible using command “securitygroup list”

$  beehive business cpaas securitygroups add sec-group-demo 1b33e19a-fa1a-475e-be9c-3ec2fd1f99ad template=e0fe7e7f-6fda-4931-bc9f-61d36503ce67

   The Nivola reply will be

   Add securitygroup 0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4

Next step we are going to see the new list of security groups

$ beehive business cpaas securitygroups list

  The CLI response after the list command confirming the creation of the sec-group-demo and his state av

  id                                    name                   state      account       vpc            egress_rules    ingress_rules
  ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------  ---------     -----------  --------------  ---------------
  0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4  sec-group-demo         available  account-demo  VpcBE                     0                0

Update rules of the security group

add-rule ingress/egress:

The commands below are used to change ingress or egress rules.

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups add-rule <type> <securitygroup> <dest/source> [proto=..] [port:..] [options ...]

  Add a security group rule.

   type                  egress or ingress. For egress group is the source and specify the destination.
                         For ingress group is the destination and specify the source.
   securitygroup         securitygroup id
   proto                 can be tcp, udp, icmp or -1 for all. [default=-1]
   port                  can be an integer between 0 and 65535 or a range with start and end in the same
                         interval. Range format is <start>-<end>. Use -1 for all ports. [default=-1]
   dest/source           rule destination. Syntax <type>:<value>. Source and destination type can be SG, CIDR.
                         For SG value must be <sg_id>. For CIDR value should like

  optional arguments:     are the same described into first command explained in this chapter

In the next example a ingress rule is added to security group sec-group-demo.

add-rule ingress:

For the new ingress rule the variables used are tcp as protocol, 53 as a port and CIDR as source.

$ beehive business cpaas securitygroups add-rule ingress 0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4 CIDR: proto=tcp port=53

The nivola response after the command confirming the creation of ingress rule will be

$ msg
  Create securitygroup rule True

security group get:

If it need more information about security group it could be use the command get

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups get <securitygroup> [options ...]

   Get security group with rules

   securitygroup         securitygroup id

    account               account name or uuid

  optional arguments:     are the same described into add command

Next example show how to use the command

$ beehive business cpaas securitygroups get 0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4

The nivola response after the command showing the information that you need

$ id                                    name              desc                role
  ------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  ------
  c63f04c9-bde0-4ac3-8479-57a637049cd2  Davide Gialli       master
  01ac26db-a213-4307-8dc9-d7ac45f2e3e3  Gaetano Rossi       master

  attrib               value
  -------------------  ------------------------------------
  sgOwnerAlias         account-demo
  vpcId                1b33e19a-fa1a-475e-be9c-3ec2fd1f99ad
  groupDescription     sec-group-demo
  groupName            sec-group-demo
  state                available
  vpcName              VpcBE
  ownerId              30
  stateReason.message  None
  stateReason.code     None
  sgOwnerId            f6a6c1db-4a9f-4788-af9a-9bc92d4f487e
  groupId              0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4
  Egress rules:
  toSecuritygroup                                                toCidr     protocol    fromPort    toPort    reserved    state
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------
                                                  *           *           *         True        ACTIVE
  gaetest:sec-group-demo [0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4]             *           *           *         True        ACTIVE
  Ingress rules:
  fromSecuritygroup                                              fromCidr          protocol    fromPort    toPort    reserved    state
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------  ----------  --------  ----------  --------
                                                                tcp         53          53        False       BUILDING
                                                          *           *           *         True        ACTIVE
                                                          *           *           *         True        ACTIVE
                                                         *           *           *         True        ACTIVE
  gaetest:sec-group-demo [0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4]                    *           *           *         True        ACTIVE

del-rule ingress/egress:

The commands below are used to delete ingress or egress rules from SG.

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups del-rule <type> <securitygroup> <dest/source> [proto=..] [port:..] [options ...]

  Delete a security group rule.

    type                      egress or ingress. For egress group is the source and sp                                                                                        ecify the destination.
                              For ingress group is the destination and specify the sou                                                                                        rce.
    securitygroup             securitygroup id
    proto                     can be tcp, udp, icmp or -1 for all. [default=-1]
    port                      can be an integer between 0 and 65535 or a range with st                                                                                        art and end in the same
                              interval. Range format is <start>-<end>. Use -1 for all                                                                                         ports. [default=-1]
    dest/source               rule destination. Syntax <type>:<value>. Source and dest                                                                                        ination type can be SG, CIDR.
                              for SG value must be <sg_id>. For CIDR value should like                                                                               

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        --debug               toggle debug output
        --quiet               suppress all output
        -o {json}             output handler
        -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
        -k KEY, --key KEY     Secret key file to use for encryption/decryption
        --vault VAULT         Ansible vault password to use for inventory decryption
        -e ENV, --env ENV     Execution environment
        -E ENVS, --envs ENVS  Comma separated execution environments
        -f FRMT, --frmt FRMT  response format
        --color COLOR         response colered. Can be true or false. [default=true]
        --verbose VERBOSITY   ansible verbosity
        --cmds                list available commands
        --notruncate          disable long string truncation
        --truncate TRUNCATE   set max length of long string
        --curl                log curl request
        --fields FIELDS       response fields
        --afields AFIELDS     response additional fields
        -y, --assumeyes       Assume that the answer to any question which would be
                              asked is yes.
        -rt, --runtime        Enable command duration log.

Delete security group

If the life of security group into Nivola finish it necessary erase it from the Nivola system using delete command.

delete securitygroup:

The commands below is used to erase security group from Nivola.

$ beehive bu cpaas securitygroups delete <securitygroup> [options ...]

  Delete a security group

    securitygroup         securitygroup id

  optional arguments:     are the same described into first command explained in this chapter

Next example show how to use the command

$  beehive business cpaas securitygroups delete 0c35528a-6e43-45c3-8b41-d8265deeddf4

The nivola response after the command confirming security group was erased

Delete securitygroup True